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Exploring AI in this year's NDAA with ETO AGORA

An aerial view of the Pentagon.


All of the AI provisions in the mammoth defense bill, compiled and summarized

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This year's National Defense Authorization Act has cleared Congress on its way to the White House, full of provisions large and small on AI and national security. Luckily, there's no need to wade through all 300,000+ words of the final text to pick out the AI bits - they're all available today in AGORA, our new tracker for AI-relevant laws, regulations, standards, and other governance documents from the United States and around the world.

To browse summaries and full text for all the AI provisions, just open AGORA's new 2025 NDAA collection. Here's a quick section-by-section breakdown with links to full text in AGORA. (This list doesn't include procurement line items for AI programs - just substantive textual provisions that address AI. Read more about AGORA's scope.)

You can also visit AGORA's broader NDAA collection for all AI-related provisions from the past several years' NDAAs (including this year's). Try a keyword search across the collection for topics that interest you - how about AI and education or AI and aircraft?

As always, we're glad to help you get the most out of AGORA or any of our our other tools - visit the ETO support hub to contact us, book live support with an ETO staff member or access the latest documentation for our tools and data. 🤖

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